Rules and Regulations
For Clubhouse, Pool and Tennis Courts
The Purpose of the Swim Club is; to provide a safe, pleasant recreational area for you and your family, and to protect and enhance your home investment.
Please read and observe the following rules/guidelines at all times. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us.
1) Each year all members in good standing will be issued one key per household that will unlock the pool and tennis courts. The key will also unlock the bathrooms in the pool area. They will also be issued membership tags for each member of their family that resides in their home. This key and tags will be used for one year only. At the end of the year all tags and keys must be turned in to receive tags and key for the next year. Replacement costs are as follows: Tags- $1.00 each. Keys- $10.00 each.
2) Use of the pools, pool facilities and surrounding areas is restricted to members of the Braun Oaks Swim Club and their guests (when accompanied by a resident). All members must have their member tags and key to enter the pool enclosure.
3) When you pick up your key and member tags, you will be asked to fill out an information sheet. Please indicate any home phone, or cell phones, where an adult can be reached in case of an emergency. You will also be asked to sign a box indicating that you have read and agree to adhere to these pool rules.
4) Open Swim: Members in good standing may use their key to access the pool during “swim at your own risk” non-pool hours, when there will be no lifeguards on duty. You must adhere to the following conditions:
An adult (21 and older) must be present at ALL times.
Access is only allowed between sun up and 11:30 in the mornings on Monday-Friday and not during swim team practice (see web for practice times).
Access is only allowed between 8 pm and 10 pm on Monday- Thursday evenings.
No Open Swim on Friday evening or the weekends due to high rentals during this time.
All of the normal pool rules are in effect during Open Swim.
No parties of any kind may be held during Open Swim.
No alcohol during Open Swim.
If any of the above conditions are violated, the family’s key will be revoked and privileges suspended for the entire household for the rest of the year.
This is a trial program designed to accommodate those who would like to use the pool for lap swimming or during additional times of the day. If the rules are violated, the Open Swim program will be canceled.
5) No more than five (5) guests per family may be brought to the pool during regular pool hours. A fee of $1.00 per guest, per day, will be collected at the sign-in desk. All guests must be registered on the sign-in sheet. Lifeguards will make spot checks to make sure all guests are registered. Guests cannot be residents of the Braun Oaks subdivision. Out of town guests, residing in your home, do not need to pay a guest fee.
6) All Children who are NON-SWIMMERS (cannot swim the width of the pool without stopping and survival float for 1 minute) and children 10 years of age and younger, will not be permitted in the pool or pool area without an accompanying adult to accept responsibility for the child/children. Children from ages 8-12 who exhibit good behavioral habits may be admitted without accompanying adult during regular pool hours by passing the special swimming test administered by any of the lifeguards.
7) The BABY POOL is restricted to children 5 years old and younger, at all times.
8) Persons with a skin disease or open wounds are not permitted in the pools.
9) Dangerous horseplay will not be tolerated. Please refrain from grabbing one another around the head and neck and dunking. Use good common sense when playing in the pool. Running on the pool deck is very dangerous and will not be allowed.
10) When you hear the lifeguard’s whistle, always STOP, LOOK AND LISTEN.
11) Bicycles should be locked up at the bike rack provided near the rear gate entrance. They will not be permitted inside the pool area.
12) Diving (entering the water headfirst) is only permitted in the deep end well (10 feet). All other areas require a feet first entry.
13) Masks or goggles made of glass will not be allowed in the pool area. Plastic or Plexiglas material is acceptable.
14) Safe water toys are encouraged. The size of the water toy should be in good taste so others will be able to use the pools too. Balls of any type must be used safely. A lifeguard may ask swimmers to cease the use of any toy if it endangers any other swimmers. Failure to comply with a lifeguard’s request will result in removal from the pool area.
15) Only standard swimming apparel should be worn in the pool. Cut-off shorts or jeans are not allowed. Frayed clothing pieces can get lodged in the impellers of the motor causing serious damage and great expense. Babies are required to wear swim diapers to ensure no leakage and sanitary pool conditions.
16) Patrons are asked to pick up after themselves at all times. Trash cans are provided around the pool areas for your use. Please help us keep our area clean.
17) No food, drinks or gum chewing will be allowed while in the water.
18) A Charcoal grill is available for use by residents. Residents will need to bring their own charcoal and must clean the grill after each use. Picnic tables are also available. Absolutely NO GLASS CONTAINERS will be allowed in the pool area.
19) Please use all pool furniture responsibly. Refrain from climbing or jumping on any of the furniture. The lounge and Adirondack chairs are for the adults. Children and young adults should use the other chairs and benches.
20) Alcoholic beverages are not allowed in the pool area during regular pool hours or Open Swim.
21) Smoking is NOT prohibited inside the pool grounds. Please be respectful and go outside the fenced area if you need to smoke.
23) Snacks and drinks will be sold during the pool breaks. Proceeds go to help fund the Braun Oaks Dolphin Swim Team.
24) The lifeguards are on duty for 45 minutes. Please do not carry on casual conversations with the guards during this time. They have a 15 minute break at the end of each hour to assist you with any need or just to chat. Your safety is their main concern and distractions endanger everyone. The lifeguards are in charge at all times. If there is a problem that cannot be resolved through a guard, please contact the Facilities Coordinator, David Bertsch at 326-5741.
25) Unruly swimmers will be asked to leave the pool if a change of behavior is not observed. Generally, a warning followed by some sit time is the first course of action. A phone call to the parent of the unruly child will be made by the Head Lifeguard notifying you of the incident. A longer removal time from the pool may be necessary. Profanity or disrespect is unacceptable.
26) An adult only (18 years of age or older) swim (15 minutes) is provided at 45 minutes past the hour. All children will be asked to clear the pool. Adults are reminded the pool has a family atmosphere and intimacy in public makes others uncomfortable. Please refrain from public displays of affection.