Braun Oaks
Braun Oaks Swim Club, Inc. (BOSC), also known as Braun Oaks Neighborhood Association represents a Mandatory Home Owners Association.
The board is managed by volunteer homeowner's like yourself. And many of our community projects, amenities, assessments, and accounting principles are managed by only a few paid neighbors.
This allows us to keep our HOA Fees very, very low....
We depend largely on our neighbors and city resources to enforce covenants, rules and regulations, and to keep our neighborhood a safe, peaceful, and enjoyable place to live.
In general, this is how we recommend addressing any issues or concerns.
1) Get to know your neighbors.   They are your best defense and advocate for you.
2) Call 911 for any emergency, but if not an emergency, please consider contacting the police department at (210) 207-SAPD (7273).
3) Notice something suspicious, Report It !    Text the keyword SATIP and your message to 847411 (Tip411).  Or Report it using the TIP 411 link  
4) Use City Apps like 311 to get city involvement.
5) Submit your concern to the board using this FORM.  This will allow us to track issues and send to appropriate members.